Motion Graphics and Compositing Project 2

24/09/20- 08/10/20(Week 05- Week 07)
Mohamed Zain Riyaz ( 0334031)
Motion Graphics and Compositing
Project 2


Project 2

Week 5 | 24 Sept 2020

To start with Mr. Fauzi gave us an exercise to do before we started on Project 2. We were all given a set of images and were asked to create a composition using only these images. I wanted the composition to have a sort of story behind it. Here are the images I planned to use for my composition.

Fig 1.1 Images used for composition.

I used the texture images as a clipping mask to manipulate the color of the images I chose. Here is the final composition I made for its exercise.

Fig 1.2 Final poster composition

After the poster was done we had animate the image to create a simple video. I used the pin tool in after effects to make subtle movements in the animation.

Week 6 | 01 Oct 2020

This week we were briefed on our task for Project 2. We had to make a channel bumper for a brand of our choice. After thinking about what brand I was gonna choose for this project. I settled on doing my channel bumper for Adidas. Their latest 3D printing technology they have integrated into their shoes to reduce ocean plastics was very inspiring and I wanted to focus on this specific product.

Week 7 | 08 Oct 2020

After getting feedback and approval to start working on the project. I started to draw show animation. I had planned to do a 2D cel animation for this channel bumper. In order to get the 360 rotation of shoes, I looked for a reference on the Adidas website. They provide a 360 view animation of some of the shoes that they produce. I used this to trace out the basic shape of the shoes so I have a realistic rotation.

After the drawing for shoes was done then I then moved onto drawing the breakdown of the shoes into particles to depict the plastic particles. This I found was the most tedious of the task as I draw a lot of tiny particles to capture the effect that moves at and constant pace. 

Next was the ending. I had planned to put running girl but I wanted this to be in the form of a 1 line drawing. I used a run cycle reference to create the 1 line drawing. The difficult part was to make the shape legible while trying to keep it as simple as possible. 

The entire animation consisted of 205 animation layers when compiled.

The next step was to add the "Futurecraft" and "Adidas" logos. I made vectors of the logos in illustrator and added them to end the animation in after effects.

Fig 2.1 Adding the logo

The next step was adding the music. I wanted to get a voice narration giving insight into what was happening in the animation so I decided to some of the audio and music from the Adidas Futurecraft video.

Fig 2.2 Audio clipping

This passed took some time as I needed to make sure the audio synced and transitioned between the different clippings smoothly.

Here is the Final Channel Bumper Adidas Futurecraft.


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