Design Research Dissertation Draft Dissertation

15/05/20- 27/05/20   (Week 01- Week 06)
Riyaz Mohamed Zain ( 0334031)
Design Research Dissertation
Draft Dissertation


Week 01
15 April 2020
Project 1

We began with a briefing of the module. We were told of the tasks that we needed to accomplish in the upcoming weeks. Dr. Hayati also informed us that she will be setting internal deadlines that need to be me in order to get attendance and keep us on track. During the semester break, I was also able to collect some interviews. 

Fig 1.1
Fig 1.1 survey interview.

Week 02
22 April 2020

We were told to start working on our literature review and create a literature review matrix 

Week 03
29 April 2020

Dr. Hayati said that the literature review was too simple and needs to be more comprehensive so I changed my matrix format and redid it. I also thought that a few more articles needed to added to strengthen my research. So I spend the week reading more relevant articles to be included in the research.

Week 04
06 May 2020

This week we were assigned to complete the methodology section.

 After the feedback, I also compiled a rough draft of the literature review

Week 05 - Week 08
13 May 2020

During the following Weeks, Dr. Hayati assigned us with weekly tasks of completing different sections of the dissertation. We were told to work on the same sheet and add sections as we go through the weeks. At the end of Week 08, this is the final draft dissertation after revising the sections according to the feedback received.

Week 11
24 June 2020

I received my feedback from Dr. Hayati. I proceeded to make the required amendments. This is the final draft dissertation.


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