Design Principles Final Project

25/06/19- 10/07/19  (Week 13- Week 15)
Riyaz Mohamed Zain ( 0334031)
Design Principles
Final Project


Final Project

Week 13
For our final Project we were assigned to observe Billboards we see on buildings, roads elevated sidewalks. Using our knowledge from these observations we were told to create an artwork that was inspired by these billboards.

I started off by taking Photographs of Billboards Everywhere I traveled to during this time. Some of the main locations I did my research was at Pavilion in KL and the area surrounding Sunway Pyramids.

Fig 1.1 Billboard at Sunway

Fig 1.2 Billboard at Sunway

Fig 1.3 Bill board at KL
Fig 1.4 Billboard at KL 

Fig 1.5 Billboard at KL
Fig 1.6 Billboard at Kl
Above are a few Photographs I took for my research. I started analyzing the Photographs to try and find something common among all the Billboard. I noticed that in addition to the Billboards being composed with very Bright colors and Involving imagery they were all carefully placed around the busiest street corners and roads.

Fig 1.7 Billboard that inspired my work
Looking at the above Picture I realized that even though the Billboard is surrounded by trees and nature, very little attention is given to them as we are all distracted by the Billboard. This is common Problem that we face in the word today. Because of the Billboards we tend to lose our focus on the beauty that surrounds and get distracted a Digital World. In my artwork I wanted to how we lose Connection with the nature because of these Billboards.

Fig 1.9 Artist Study
Fig 1.10 Artist Study
I then moved onto researching on artists to get some inspirations for my artwork. I came across Christine Kim and Artist who made her artworks using cutouts to create layers in her artwork. 

Fig 1.11 Rough Sketch for Composition
Week 14
Using the ideas from my research I sketched out a rough idea for my Artwork.I decided to use Photoshop to create the layers that has to be cutout for in my Artwork.

Fig 1.12 Image used for trace

Fig 1.13 Adding Filters
I found a suitable image that had a showed the sitting position I was looking for and moved onto adding a cutout filter to it. I did to so that I can easily identify the layers to be cutout and their will be a continuity of the effect on the entire artwork.

Fig 1.14 Cutting out the body.

Fig 1.15 Leafs
After cropping out the body and creating a silhouette I got some leafs traced and made into silhouettes before Printing them out.

Week 15

Fig 1.16 Cutout of the Billboard silhouette
Fig 1.17 Print of Leafs

Fig 1.18 Printing on colored paper

After I printed out the Artwork on colored papers I started to cut them out the layers. I started off by cutting out the body on a dark Blue paper for the background. After this I started cutting out the layers for my hands and legs.

Fig 1.19 Cutting out Hands
Fig 1.20 Cutout for legs 
I then Cut out the First 2 Layers, the legs and the hands.I decided to use the blue for the pants and the shoes and the Yellow for the hands

Fig 1.21 Thick double tape strips

Fig 1.22 Layers Pasted together

Fig 1.23 Close up to show elevation
After cutting out the Layer, Using thick Double sided tape I Pasted the layers down.

Fig 1.24 Cutting out Leafs
Fig 1.25 Cutout of the leafs
 I then moved onto cutting out the the leafs. I cutout a random selection of leafs from different colored papers, the colors of the leafs were selected to form a gradient on the background.

Fig 1.26 Pasting Leaves
Fig 1.27 Creating Curves in the leaves
I bend and curved the leaves before gluing them down on the billboard back to make then pop out and also give a more natural effect.

Fig 1.28 Taping the Hands and Legs
Fig 1.29 Pasting hands and legs on background
 For the hands and legs I doubled the tape strips to give more elevation from the background. I did this because I wanted the legs I create a shadow on the paper background.

Fig 1.30 Scrambled Signal
I printed out a picture of the Scrambled signal that you get when a TV or Digital device has Lost connection or broken down. I pasted this down on background centering it to the man body.
Fig 1.31 Taping down the billboard.

I then Pasted down the Billboard layers onto the background to create my Final Piece. My Final artwork comprises of a variety of Principles of Design. It shows Contrast, Gestalt,Depth, Rhythm, Harmony and Asymmetry.

My final Piece shows that despite being surrounding by beauty and the splendors of nature, We have become so immersed in the digital world that we have lost our appreciation of nature. It is to show how we are becoming no more than a broken Screen.

Final Artwork

Close up of the Work.

Showing the depth
Showing Shadows and depth
Close up
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