Interactive Design Exercises

27/09/19- 10/09/19 (Week 1- Week 3)
Riyaz Mohamed Zain ( 0334031)
Interactive Design


Lecture 1 - Briefing
27/08/19 (Week 1)

Mr Shamsul and Mr Lun, started our class by briefing us on the software's that we will be using for the module. They told us that we can use either Bootstrap,Bracket or Dreamweaver . He then Split our class into groups and assigned each group with the task of finding 3 good websites an 3 bad websites.Each group was then told give a presentation of what made the selected websites either bad or good. some of the qualities being -

  • Responsiveness
  • loading Speed
  • user friendly
  • clear call to action buttons 
  • No clear organization
  • Confusing landing page
  • Loading takes too long
  • Overlapping
  • Too many Advertisements
Lecture 2 - UI vs UX
03/09/19 (Week 2)

Today's class was about UI vs UX design.One of the main differences being that UX would say that a button should physically press down when you click it. UI on the other hand would be a series of buttons and how they would like.

Ux focuses mainly on structure and the layout of  the content an how users interact with them. The visual appearance is rather a separate layer over the top.

UI design brings the concepts from interactive design, Visual design and Information architecture. they focus on anticipating users might need to do and ensuring the there elements present that make them easy to access.

Lecture 4 - Extra Markup
24/09/19 (Week 5)

Lecture 5 - Boxes in CSS
01/10/19 (Week 6)



Exercise 1
Web Evaluations and Critics (Week 01)

For this exercise we were divided into groups and asked to asses websites. we were tasked to find 3 good websites and 3 bad websites.

we were to choose the websites and evaluate them based on Pros/Cons, target audience and purpose of the site. Below are the list of websites we chose.

Good Websites


Fig 1.1 Griflan

The website has a friendly user interface, responsive. Contents are well organized in an easy to use navigation menu. Mobile compatible. The landing page is well designed, the main intentions of the organization is stated right away, all recent projects shows up as you scroll down, then follow their achievements, contact information and social network. Although the downsides may include slow loading as a first time browser because it was huge content for the website to download.

Volk Fi

Fig 1.2 Volk Fi
Message is clear on what it wants to deliver. Website is easy to navigate, user friendly. Colors compliment each other. However under the "Phone" page, there is an inconsistency in the background color. Under the "How it works" page, there is an arrow that looks interactable. Might be misleading. A fun page with animation explaning how their product works. Transition to product purchase is smooth and intuitive. Information under the "FAQ" page has a nice big type, delivering concise information effectively.

iFly KLM Magazine

Fig 1.3 iFly KLM Magazine
Intresting layout of information Interesting website features Interactive ( press spacebar to show content ) Different contents for different sections ( certain plays videos, certain are photos and captions, certain play music ) Plays music Have a menu button to show all contents for easy navigation Aesthetically pleasing Mobile compability

Bad Websites

FIg 1.4
Although user experience is superb, there are too much going on that it isn't so user-friendly and accessiblity is poor.

Mauritshuis - the Goldfinch

Fig 1.5 Mauritshuis - the Goldfinch
It has a really bad loading time. The overall website is slow. Although the user interface and the animations are good but the user experience is not good, it doesn't have any call to action and the key information is burried. You can't understand what it's about from the landing page.

Jeremy Holmes website

Fig 1.6 Jeremy Holmes website
Key information is buried very slow/unloadable Contact information is not readily available Misleading purpose

Exercise 2
Interference design (Week 02) 

For our second exercise we were put into groups and we were told design paper prototype UI for a Taylor's University Information Kiosk. Our target audience was to be parents,visitors and new students. we were told come up with one scenario for a design prototype. Our design was to targeted at New students or Visitors who is looking for the way to the library. Below is the video of the Paper Prototype we made.

Exercise 3
Introduction to Html (Week 04) 

For this exercise we were instructed to create a simple Html code for a website. We were asked to use Notepad to write the code for the website.

Fig 1.1 Html code on Notepad
We were then told to write a few paragraphs about myself with not less that 200 words. After finishing the paragraphs and closing the codes we opened our websites on and this was the outcome.

Fig 1.2 Screenshot of  the Website

We were then assigned to Add more sections and Photographs into our websites. Below is the Website with more sections and a photograph.
Fig 1.3 Screenshot of Website 
Introduction to Dreamweaver (Week 05) 


In today's class we were introduced to Dreamweaver. We imported website into Dreamweaver and started to styles using CSS coding.

Fig 1.4 Coding on Dreamweaver.
 After adding the file to dream weaver we learned to add fonts onto website using google fonts. and the changing font color.

Fig 1.5 Linking Google Fonts 
After choosing the font to be added, we had to copy code into our html file to insert the font.the following is the change on the website after changing the font.
Fig 1.6 Screenshot Websites.
Fig 1.7 Adding tags

After adding styles onto the websites we then started adding tags and classes onto the websites. This was to link the different sections of the websites such as the back to the Top button and the navigation tabs.

This is the link to final Site

Exercise 4
Language of the Web (Week 6)

Today we were told how to create CSS file and linking it with an HTML within Dreamweaver. We were taught how to create classes and add styles to design a  basic website with formatting. Following the step by step guidance from Mr Lun.

Fig 2.1 Html Code
 First we added the HTML code of the information we wanted to be displayed. We also added emoji instead of the logo we added an emoji into a website
Fig 2.2 Website before adding the stlyes
After this then we added styles into our HTML files, adding containers and color to different sections of the site.

Fig 2.3 CSS code for Style

Fig 2.4 CSS code for style

Fig 2.5 Website after first container 

Fig 2.6 adding segments and float
Exercise 5
Language of the Web (Week 6)

The next exercise was to apply what we learned and create our own website. We were given a set of information and images by Mr Shamsul. We were told that we have to use all the images given and in the websites.

After Figuring out a rough layout for my design using the sample layouts that Mr Shamsul gave us. These the HTML and CSS files for my Website design.

Fig 2.7 CSS code

Fig 2.8 Html Code.
Here are some screenshots of final Layout.

Fig 2.9 Landing Page

Fig 2.10 Sub Menu's
this is the Layout Site.


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