Illustration and Visual Narrative Project 2

28/05/19- 18/06/19 (Week 9- Week 12)
Riyaz Mohamed Zain ( 0334031)
Illustration and Visual Narrative
Project 2



Week 09

For this Project we were tasked to Illustrate the decisive Moment in a Story that was given to us. Each of us were given different clipping of the stories so we each  had different decisive moments to illustrate. We were also told that out Illustration was to be done in the Art Deco style.

I began by thoroughly going through my Exert. My story was Title Seri Setia -Old Folks Homes and as the title suggests the exert was about The old Folks Home and its Caretaker. My Story did not have any Decisive dialogue or scenes but repeatedly mentioned the happy, Positive personality of Phil, the Caretaker. This was what I decided to work on and illustrate. 

Excerpts from Paragraph.

  • “He came out and greeted us with an enthusiasm smile. He was wearing a red polo t-shirt that brings out his optimism.”
  • “Hi! I am Phil!”…the hospitable greeting that make us all feel so calm and so welcoming. Phil is talkative with a trace of joy in his tone, a carefree fellow with very good command in English.
  • I am given a mission to be the host to guide all of you around this home. I am one of the resident here and I am assigned as a caretaker here. This will keep me occupied and I enjoy fulfilling my task
  • At the age of 72, Phil is still bubbly and active.

Fig 1.1 Mood Board
I started off by first studying the Art Deco styles and deciding on a color scheme for my illustration. I also researched images on Bubbly optimistic old men to get  an idea of the emotions and feel I wanted to illustrate.

Fig 1.2 Concept Board
In my concept board I included sketches and elements I planned to include in my works. I wanted bright colors in my artwork so I researched artworks with those similar color scheme. My Main subject ( the old man) wore a red shirt in the narrative so I wanted to apply this in the artwork.

Fig 1.3 Sketch 1
Fig 1.4 Sketch 2
 I first focused solely on the old man and worked on bringing out the positive personality of the character. I did not want to create a Full colored background for my work and wanted to use negative space around him to draw more focus on the character.

Fig 1.5 First Attempt
Week 10
I then digitized my Sketch 1 and got some Feedback from Mr Hafiz. He told me overall it was alright but it could be better. He also told me to simplify my artwork a little bit more. I decided to improve the work and started sketching out a new composition for the piece.

Fig 1.6 Final Artwork Sketch
I kept to the initial concept of working with the negative spaces for my final piece as well However I changed my overall composition and added more elements to give a clearer idea of the narrative I was working with.

Fig 1.7 Work in progress of the artwork
I started by creating creating the old man and the background. I also added a grain texture as I went along to the layers. I did this by adding a transparent gradient on the image and then later adding a grain texture on it.
Fig 1.8 First attempt
Week 11
I then showed the artwork to Mr Redzwan and Mr Hafiz. They told me that the overall concept and design is good. They told me to move building to the side a little and also add some birds. This way the Old man will stand out a bit more. Mr Hafiz also suggested that I remove the grain texture on the old man so that there will be a contrast between him and the Background.

Fig 1.9
 I started making the adjustments that was Suggested and also added the birds to my artwork. I decided to make the bird brown because the I wanted then to blend in with Background around it. I also added the Grain texture on the Birds.

Fig 1.10 Final Artwork
Week 12
After Finalizing the Artwork we then had to animate it into a GIF. For my animation I decided to make the the Birds fly and loop it to create the animation.

Fig 1.11 Animating the Birds.
Using the puppet tool I made Multiple pin point on each bird. I then added Movement to the birds using the position key frames.

Fig 1.12 Animation Process

Fig 1.13 Animation Process
I adjusted the pin points on the wings on each bird as to moved to give the effect of wing flapping.i ended with birds flying all the way out of the screen. Because I wanted to create a looping Gif I made them Re emerge from behind the House and the trees.

Fig 1.14 Final Animation


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